State and County fees:
70 cents per $100 (.007) Documentary Stamps/State Tax on the Deed (Sales Price)
(60 cents per $100 if Miami-Dade County)
35 cents per $100 Documentary Stamps/State Tax on the mortgage
20 cents per $100 Intangible Tax/County Tax on the mortgage
$10 first page, Recording charges
$8.50 each additional page
Owner's mortgage policy of Title Insurance:
Up to 100,000 $5.75 per 1,000
Up to 1,000,000 $575 for first 100,000 plus
$5.00 per 1,000 thereafter
Up to 5,000,000 $5,075 for first 1,000,000 plus
$2.50 per 1,000 thereafter
$300,000 sales price, $270,000 loan amount
Doc Stamps on Deed= $2,100
(.70 X 3000= $2,100)
Doc Stamps on Mortgage= $945
(.35 X 2,700)
Intangible Tax= $540
(.20 X 2700= $540)
Title Insurance Premium= $1,575
($575 + (5.00 X 200)= $1,575)
Record 12 pages= $103.50
($10 + 11 x $8.50= $103.50)